Rejuvenate your face
with Dermal Fillers

What is the procedure?

Dermal Fillers are a line of facial injections used to augment loss of volume or soften the folds and wrinkles associated with the ageing process. Today’s Dermal Filler technology uses hyaluronic acid, a molecule produced naturally in the body that is responsible for holding moisture and lubricating the joints. Dermal fillers consist of synthetic hyaluronic acid and retain a gel like consistency to produce results that give a more lifted, youthful, and refreshed appearance.

What zones can be treated?
  • Forehead
  • Temples
  • Under eyes
  • Cheeks
  • Nose
  • Mouth
  • Lips
  • Jawline
  • Chin

How does it work?

Dermal Fillers are produced with different viscosities to mimic desired areas of the face. Our office uses only the most advanced, FDA approved dermal filler products to enhance facial features. During this treatment, product is injected into the desired area to enhance contours, shape the face, provide volume, and restore a youthful lift. Results are seen immediately after injection takes place, and typically last anywhere from 6-12 months. Topical numbing is used to provide patients with a comfortable experience.

Is the procedure right for me?

Dermal fillers are designed to enhance facial features and restore your most natural and harmonious look. This can include augmenting the lips, restoring volume loss in the temples, and providing more contours by defining areas like the cheeks and chin. Many patients use dermal fillers to correct asymmetries and soften hard lines around the nose and mouth. The best candidates for this procedure want to create very subtle enhancements to improve their appearance, look younger and rejuvenate drooping or dull facial features.

Your results

Dermal Fillers are a very customizable treatment option. Patients can expect to see a more hydrated and plump appearance in the injected area. While results can be seen immediately, it is suggested that patients wait 1-2 weeks for the product to settle before seeing their final look. A single treatment can last for up to 6 months, depending on the thickness of the product and a number of biological factors, individual to each patient. Dermal fillers will give very natural results for a more harmonious and rejuvenated appearance.

Before After
Before After