The Artistry of Thigh Lift
in Montreal

People who lose a significant amount of weight can be left with loose non-elastic skin which can have not only aesthetic consequences but can also cause several functional problems. The inner and outer thigh is a primary region for storing extra fat. Once the weight in this area is lost, the extra skin can be surgically removed during a thigh lift. A firmer body with an improved contour and silhouette is created to improve appearance, function, and self-confidence.

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2 to 3.5 hours




4 to 6 weeks

Who is the good candidate for an thigh lift?

Thigh lifts are a category of plastic surgeries indicated for people who have undergone significant weight loss and would like to remove loose bothersome extra skin. Some people experience chafing due to excess thigh fat and this hinders walking and exercise. By excising or “lifting” this redundant sagging skin, the body part is left with an aesthetically pleasing shape which is firmer to the touch and more functional during physical activity. Liposuction is often performed during the procedure to enhance the amount of skin that can be removed. Good candidates for this procedure should have realistic expectations about their results, be in general good health, and be able to undergo anesthesia.


Our Self-evaluation tool can help you decide if thigh lift is the right procedure for you.

Procedure techniques & scars

During a thigh lift, the incision can be hidden along the creases of the body to give a natural and smooth look. The choice of ideal scar location (and length) will be determined and discussed during your consultation with Dr. Mok. Through the incisions, Dr. Mok removes stubborn fat, tightens and lifts the underlying tissues, and removes excess skin. The skin is then reapplied over the new contours of the thighs to give a firmer look.

Thigh lift incisions can vary in length depending on the amount of correction that is required. Most incisions start in the groin area and are hidden as much as possible. In other cases, incisions may extend down the inside of the leg or curve around the back of the thighs.


During your consultation with Dr. Mok he will assess medical history and perform a body assessment to determine the exact area of skin and excess fat. This will establish if you are a suitable candidate for thigh lift surgery. The procedure as well as what to expect after surgery will be explained in detail.
Patients experience a multitude of benefits when it comes to thigh lift surgery. Not only does improved appearance and self-esteem help them through the challenges of everyday life, but more function and comfort are provided. Difficulty finding clothing that fits, or uncomfortable skin irritation and chafing can all be reduced or eliminated. Patient’s report having an easier time with personal hygiene which enhances their health, making them feel younger and more confident.
A thigh lift surgery can often take several hours. Depending on individual patient factors, and the combination of other procedures, the length of surgery will depend on your unique treatment plan.
Compressive garments will be chosen and placed on you during the surgery. These are worn for 1-2 months thereafter to enhance the results and reduce any unwanted complications. Dr. Mok will instruct patients on how to care for the surgical sites as well as administer medications as needed. Depending on the nature of work, patients may return to their job within 2-3 weeks, while continuing to be mindful of rest and recovery.
Thigh lift results are permanent but are best retained with healthy diet and lifestyle choices. Though you will see an improvement right after your surgery, these are not your final results. Patients should wait a few months for the swelling and bruising to subside and can usually see their results within 6 months.
A thigh lift is mainly for patients who have undergone significant weight loss and would like to remove the loose bothersome extra skin on the upper thigh. It is not to say that a thigh lift cannot create these results, however, Dr. Mok is an experienced plastic surgeon with excellent vision for patient results. Creating a thigh gap is a unique contouring request that may be better served with other procedures such as liposuction. During your consultation, he will determine the best way to achieve this result for patients.

Beautiful Results

A thigh lift is performed with the purpose of removing excess skin and fat of the upper thigh.  This is typically present after significant weight loss. During this procedure the upper thigh is reshaped to enhance the contours of the lower body. The thighs look firmer, taut, and overall more youthful. A more proportionate look is created to match the rest of the body. A thigh lift can be combined with other procedures to enhance these results.